Lesson 305: “What is the Second Coming?” “There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.”
This lesson says, “For it has come to us to save us from our judgement on ourselves.”
The Course says that judgement is always at the root of our own suffering and everyone’s.
When we have judgement, we generally assume everyone else is to blame, we make everyone our enemy and people the world with people who reflect our inner attack energy.
The world is a projection of our thinking. It all is a huge manifestation of how we think and the energy we bring.
That means that every time we make the other people in the situation the problem, this is always short sighted.
We need to always include ourselves.
We are invited to see our part in it.
We all contribute to every situation no matter what our role may appear to be.
We still must step back, take a big picture look at it all with the eyes of the Holy Spirit and simply see those parts we were numb to noticing before.
The Course is just inviting us to see that we are always the root of the problem in what is happening.
If we want peace, we must remember to notice and intervene with that inner urge that the ego has to judge everything, and, then, forgive it with a gentle touch.
The judgement we then use for our higher good. Everything gets used.
We can instead evaluate what is in front of us and simply gather information that is helpful for us to know.
We surrender that inner pull the ego gives to make judgements and we forgive ourselves for the attack every we feel within.
The best news is to learn that we can change the world from the simple act of more consciously and carefully selecting our thinking.
This means we get to have a totally empowered life because we are the primary choosers of what it looks like.
We then have the power to modify it the instant that we realize we want something different, like God.