Lesson 34: “I could see peace instead of this.”
There is one single message. We don’t have to complicate anything.
We actually are learning in the Course to think less, to think when it feels appropriate and then set aside any unneeded thinking. So much of the ego’s blabber is just words to fill the space in our minds so we don’t notice that that blabber is unpleasant. Then we get so busy in the managing of those excess thoughts that don’t serve us, that we get distracted from reaching down to a deeper truth in our minds that we are actually unhappy with the egos’ monotonous tones of numbness when we feel dull in our awareness of them.
We live in this wrong and insane way of trying to deny a yearning for some greater sense of peace and joy. The Course says there is only a single question- do I want peace? And only one answer- yes, I want peace. The mind training shows us how to whittle down the seeming plethora of choices. Our ego seems to say that we are always having a huge array of possibilities in how we want to live. Therefore, this can seem overwhelming and then sometimes we can’t simply sit still with that thinking and see it for what it is. We hit overload because it seems too hard to handle.
The ego would have us believe that we are not adequately prepared for the simple task of choosing. This is why the Course shows us repeatedly that this choice is ever so simple. We can choose for God with our eyes closed as we say. There is no way to do this wrong. We don’t have to worry that we can’t meet the challenge of simply getting to God.
The Course even says there is no way we can miss God because we are in fact still joined with God. There has never been a moment that it was anything other than this consistent joining. The ego world just fools us into thinking it could be any other way. God would never leave us in any instant. God simply reminds us in the Course that we can’t miss God because we are already joined with Him. This is why there can be no mistaken approach to getting to God. The Course reminds us that every method we try to reach Him always works because the truth is that we are always with God. Therefore, with the simple awareness within our minds that we are still perfectly connected with God, our energy aligns perfectly to this truth. Then, we sit in the certainty and energy of this truth- simply as a result of our thinking a correct perception. This is the power of God-Will and purpose.
God wills that we be forever blessed and graced with all the abundance in the Universe because God loves us as His most beloved children. This is the only constant in the human life and this is the truth that ever brings us back to the correct awareness of our perfection.