Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 107: “Truth will correct all errors in my mind.”

The beauty of the Course is that it is so gentle.  We don’t get punished or beaten or in any way criticized.  We don’t end up with a nasty spell of distress from the world because we don’t deserve anything but the best of the best of scenarios.  No matter what we do or don’t do, we are all always just perfect exactly as we are.  Therefore, if we think wrongly or think with the ego, this is not cast as a sin.  We don’t have to stand up to be stoned.  We can simply get away from the people who accuse us of wrongdoing.  The Course says no matter how many and how frequent are our mistakes, that is all they are.  They are not cause for some war against us.  We don’t have to accept some lashings as a result.  This means we have done nothing wrong, even if it appears we have made several missteps along the way.  The Course teaches us first to apply non judgement.  The ego is quite skilled at being critical and likes to overload us with a heavy dose of them.  This makes no difference.

The Course says we are totally fine just as we are.  Whatever mistakes we make are simply par for what it means to live.

While we live, we all make mistakes because this is simply part of what it means to be human. 

This is why we don’t have to sit and suffer over those mistakes. 

God says in the Course that WE are the only ones who suffer over those mistakes. 

God does not suffer because God is perfect and therefore, no part of Him is susceptible to being ruined or injured by any mistake.  This  is why we don’t have to worry about whether God will be ok after we make mistakes.  Our job is to have faith that God is just fine.  God can never be injured by what is false because it is not real.  This is why we can relax and we don’t have to stress and wonder if God will be upset at us.

God is not harmed by any mistake we make.  This is why we need to give up our judgement about it.

When we judge we attack ourselves because we have forgotten the art of forgiving. 

This is always exactly what we don’t want.  We don’t want the emotional drama as a result of our judgement.  This just takes us from our peace of mind and certainly from any joy or lightness.  This is why we must make a clear decision to realize that we have no reason to judge things because God is not angry at us.  Therefore the emotional ups and downs we have over it is just our own addiction to pain.

The ego loves pain so we tend to gravitate to say the least to that pain. 

This is why we want to just realize that the ego has no idea at all what is going to be best for us or pleasurable.  We need to understand that the ego’s version of an insane commitment to pain is all in error and has no substance.  Choosing pain is completely contrary to who we want to be, at the right hand of God.

We just have to appreciate that mistakes are simply errors.  They are meant to get no judgement.  The error is simply something we can learn from and then let it right go to the altar of God.  We want to give up this pain because it is not in our best interest.  We let God tell us what is best for us and then we follow His guidance.  This says that we just need to be willing to let our errors be undone.  We give them to God because God can make perfectly helpful points about them.  We learn and release them.

The errors are nothing but little hiccups.  They pass and leave us unaffected because nothing happened that would change us in any way.  This is the way we are learning to appreciate all the errors for the lessons we learn from them.

Bless them and simply be done with them. 

We give them to God if it seems like something about them is not love.

Then God takes them and puts them in the perfect perspective so we can glean information from what they bring. 

We are learning to simply be gentle with our processes.  The fact that the Course teaches us to be totally non judgmental allows us to get out of any process of attack that we have around these errors or that other people may begin in reaction to our doing these errors.  We simply need to hold this truth that they are nothing but mistakes in our minds because then when we remember this, we don’t start our own inner attack.  Then our minds can be available to participate in what is Love.


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