Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 124: “Let me remember I am one with God.”

The Course says we are united with God.

We are used to thinking of God outside of us. 

This mentality is pervasive and it seeps into our deepest consciousness.  The Course drills it into our minds, of course, gently, but firmly that our connection with God is so close that we actually are one with God.  We don’t have to imagine God outside of us at the pearly gates.

We get so be with God now because we are united in energy and Will and purpose.  

God is committed to be our only true parent and benefactor.  Therefore, we get the benefit of receiving these gifts from God.  We do because God is totally committed to our union with Him.  Therefore, it never even crosses God’s Mind that He would not be there for us because God is within us.  There is no way to miss God because He is our truest provider.

Therefore, His presence is always available for us because God is in our inner most heart sanctuary.  God has no reason to complicate getting into the unified state that we share with Him.  God doesn’t need us to bow down at a temple if we don’t want it.

He has no need to make our joining any more challenging than a simple thought about the fact already having happened. 

God has no agenda with us beyond simply joining in love.

We just have to allow the energy from our minds to be open to God.  We need to not reject God internally.  When we hold God at arm’s length this is the old ego habit of just putting enough distance between us and our willingness to join with God. The ego then feels perplexed and unable to remember that God never left our sides energetically.

We simply need to accept our reality that we want God’s presence in our minds.

We don’t have to do anything to make this come about because God already has this perfectly planned and exactly executed.

All we have to do is just get out of the way and let God be the extraordinary Entity that He is and let Him be available to us for any purpose we see fit in the human experience.

This lesson says, “Everything we touch takes on a shining light that blesses and heals.  At one with God and one with the universe, we go our way rejoicing, with the thought that God Himself goes everywhere with us.”

We are given free reign of our minds. 

We can create whatever we want when we take God with us.  God is perfect and supremely powerful; nothing is beyond His capacity.  He is the most brilliant rocket scientist of the Universe because He is creating it.  Further, we create hand in hand with God because God gives us the exact same power to create that He has.  This means there is nothing for us to do but be happy.

We have the right to our own minds.

We get the blessing of being responsible for what we think. 

And then what we feel follows logically along with the realization that we choose our thinking.

Jesus is giving us the magic rule book that shows us there is no limit on how joyful we can be. 

This means we have to do nothing to make this happen accept show up and feel our certainty from God that we are lovable.  This realization is absolutely all we need to clear any inner unrest or turmoil.  All we have to do is feel this clarity that God gives us because He declares us absolutely worthy of all good things.  All we have to do is just sit with this and own it.  We learn to take responsibility for this extraordinary gift and live in appropriate response to this. It is what we need to do now that we know there is always a way to choose peace- as we know that God is always there loving us.

Choosing peace is the natural response when we tune into and remain aware of how lovable we are.  This always works when we make a clear decision to remember to do it.


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