Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lesson 127:  “There is no love but God’s.”

The Course teaches us to see everything as an extension of God and God’s love.  We are asked to understand that God is not in the world, because God is so supremely perfect that God can’t exist in the world as the world is where we got lost and thought we got separated from God’s love.  The world is an out picturing of an idea that we are form and are not whole.  This is wrong thinking simply because we got confused and thought the world is our home.  The Course teaches us that our ideas of how to survive and function adequately in the world is as a place where we need other than God.  This is why it is not true. God is all we need and so God is the only thing we need.

On the one hand, we have to realize that God could never participate in the world because God is perfect and the world is not.  Therefore, God can’t make His presence there.  This is true for sure.  But WHILE we understand that to be true, we can also deeply understand that since God is supremely powerful God can be everywhere and share everything (even though God’s perfection is so much higher than the world’s energy).

God can and will be everywhere because God wants to be able to reach us to remind us we just forgot about Him so God can make use of the world in any way that He finds fit to call us home.  Therefore, we can see that God’s love is entirely filling all we see and do.  God so loves us, He will use any avenue to get our attention and so show up in the world when He calls for that.  This is the deep and profound dedication that God has for us because He is willing to go to any lengths to reach us.

God can show up in the world so we can know that God’s love will be found there and everywhere.  We want to know that God’s love is our true gift of joy because it is truly the only expression of happiness. and so brings us peace.  What the Course wants us to do eventually is realize that God’s love is the only love in the life and world that we can live.  Even if something seems of the world and so the ego says it is unworthy of God, Jesus wants us to know that God can bring love to each and every minutia of our day.  Because when we are willing to love throughout all we do, then God’s love gets applied to everything.  Nothing is above or below God’s love because everything is holy when we allow the world to actually be simply an outpouring of God’s greatest gift- the most holy love.


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