Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Lesson 154: “I am among the ministers of God.”
This lesson says, “Let us today be neither arrogant nor falsely humble.” The attitude with which we do all of our life tasks is the most important choice we can make and the Course teaches us that we must make. We have to have some emotional stance and intention as we do our every day tasks. Jesus says here that we must be true to what God has declared for us. God says that we are the fortunate heirs to His kingdom so we can enjoy the extraordinary benefit of this position and also way of self-defining.
This view we take about ourselves is what God decreed as true. Therefore, it is true. This is why we have to find the correct energy to mirror and thus be a reflection of God. The Course calls this our ‘certainty.’ When we live in our certainty we are simply owning what God has already declared. That is why it is not arrogant. God is supreme Knower and Creator, so what He says necessarily goes. This means we don’t have to worry that this certainty will in some way be about the ego usurping power. On the contrary, this is in no way arrogant because it is the expression of God’s will for the state of our minds. We are ultra worthy of being God’s chosen because God says so.
It is not arrogant because God makes this assertion the truth. It is also not falsely humble, which is a typical attribute of our egos because the ego feels unworthy of any greatness. The ego feels not valuable enough to receive the extraordinary God’s gifts. The ego tips the other direction from arrogance. It decides we are so low that we are not worthy of someone so extraordinary as God.
Then what our ego does is refuses to accept God’s view and our role as the minister of God. Then we block the flow of God’s love within our minds because the ego says there is no way we can make ourselves worthy of God- we won’t even entertain this awesome state as God’s ministers can be true. The ego has a big stink about not being comfortable in holy shoes so the ego says, “These were not meant for us who are so lowly.”
This is why the lesson here is to understand that God’s certainty is the only appropriate and helpful stance we can have. We have to eat, sleep, breathe God’s certainty until it becomes ingrained in our minds and we never waver from this extraordinary presence of mind. Then we can understand that being a minister of God is nothing but the most ordinary experience and we will gladly live it through and through because it is nothing but the truth. When the clarity about this emotional state becomes crystal clear, we will simply live in this God-given consciousness because it will seem and be like the only natural way to live.
This lesson says, “The messages that they- the ministers- deliver are intended first for them.” We are reminded here that we are completely benefitted in giving because we receive fully God’s love and God’s messages when we give them to others. This is why the giving of God’s gifts is energetically always in the plenty. We don’t give “away,” but rather get the gift for ourselves as it goes through us to give to others. Jesus wants us to show that we understand the messages as we give them away. This in sync with the Course’s teaching that we go together with our brothers and sisters to heaven as we all are subjects who share God’s love equally and thus inspire a reason within ourselves for joining.