Monday, June 8, 2015
Lesson 159: “I give the miracles I have received.”
The Course says that a miracle is simply a shift in consciousness. When we need a miracle is when we feel off and upset about a situation. This is when we need something to help us return to sanity- a miracle- minded intention so we can return to our peace. No matter how hard life seems to be to the ego or the world, we can always choose peace in our minds by simply being willing to be the miracle in action. When we understand this, we see that the circumstances do not dictate how we feel.
We can let go of our attachment to believing we have no choice about being the victim. What we can do instead is know that our choice is absolutely the decider of how we feel. We don’t have to wait for someone else to give us a miracle or wait for our psychotherapy session to get to the shift in our minds. The Course is teaching us to be fully empowered. We can get our minds to the miracle simply from being willing to hold space for the possibility that things could be different and of course access God in the process. All we have to do is show up and know the miracle is our right and is easy when we simply stay connected to our willingness.
When we come with a miracle mind we see that nothing was ever wrong. We have no suffering, and we will have no suffering because the miracle is the real and foolproof way out of our pain. We simply need to know that we will be joyful and at peace when we stay committed to living a life in miracle- consciousness. When the elevated energy of the miracle is our constant, our lives are entirely redone. The strife and conflict we used to feel in the world and within ourselves simply ceases to exist. When we live in the miracle, we don’t have to stress about any part of our lives because we are certain that God’s peace is the result. This is why we want to remain committed to making our own consciousness a reflection of nothing but the miracle.
This lesson says, “No one can give what he has not received.” We have to understand that the way we know we have something is because we have received it ourselves. When people receive in the world, they believe they have to keep the thing to possess it. This is why the world is based on scarcity principles. What happens is everyone gets afraid of giving if that means they don’t get to keep whatever the gift. Then people avoid giving and make up all kinds of drama around not giving because our egos stand up and make a show about not being willing to give to people. When people chalk up giving to a sure deficit internally as a result, people will naturally resist it. This always means people are at conflict within because they feel guilty about not giving and perhaps shame for not giving. We have to understand this automatically sets us up for total loss of harmony within and in our relationships with others. This always ends in our lack of ease.