Monday, June 15, 2015
Lesson 166: “I am entrusted with the gifts of God.”
The Course teaches us that our relationship with God is a two-way street. Lots of times we heard messages from religions that said we were followers of God, meaning to them simply taking signs from God about everything. We often got told that we didn’t play a significant role in our relationship with God; we’d just be a subdued follower. God tells us what to do, we follow. No more than that. To me that feels disempowering because we are not seeing our own part in God’s plan as important. I have felt like the world’s idea of God was simply where we step back from God trying not to be overly needy nor playing make-believe that we are an important part of God’s process. It seemed like we just wanted to stay out of God’s way and try to be least bothersome.
Jesus teaches us in the Course that our trust is in relationship with God. We are taught how to show up and play our visible part and energetic part in being one of God’s beloved children. We are asked to understand that God has a plan but also our role in God’s plan is never insignificant. We are asked to learn how to feel the faith and trust that we have in our relationship with God.
We are asked to accept this role of being a partner with God in the creation of everything. We have this profound impact on everything we see because of who we are as the children of God. Therefore, our emotional and spiritual selves are invited to participate in God’s scenario. To me, it seems like the Course’s God wants us to be engaged with God in every way. We don’t want to act like we are just little and that God has no interest or time to connect with our lives fully.
Jesus teaches us here that it is not just that we need to trust God. This is so important. What is also equally important is that we allow God to entrust His gifts in us, we are learning how to play an active part in accepting. We can stand up and take God in with the grateful, happy heart because we are so fortunate. What we are asked to do is let God into our minds and carry God there. Then God has immediate access to all of our emotions and intentions so God can be privy to the deepest parts of us. This way, our deepest truth is revealed to God. God wants to share with us our inner selves because God loves all of us.