Lesson 195 Laurie’s Reflections

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lesson 195: “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”

This lesson says, “The most that they can do is see themselves as better off than others.”  This is such a bizarre belief that is ever so common in the world.  We often hold these limiting ideas of total lack.  Our egos are quick to make living all about competition for the little that is available.  We don’t think that abundance is our right and reality.  Instead we believe that little is the law and only law.

This is such a tragic way of thinking that then causes complete separation energetically among those with whom we complete against.  We end up believing only one of us can be graced with gifts aplenty.  Scarcity becomes our reality and with it comes an automatic dispelling of our brothers and sisters.  Then people can’t get away fast enough from each other as everyone is afraid that union necessarily means those others will assume and outright take whatever we currently deem ours.

When we have these backward beliefs we just end up suffering fully and without any sense of real logic nor compassion for the others with whom we share the earth.  We are asked to just see that the insanity happens, acknowledge it and then let it go.  Fully release it from the forefront of our minds.

Release anything that dampens our light within- God’s light.  Make effort to release the blocks to Love’s presence and then live wholly in the sanctuary of our minds with God.  When we choose God we can live always in gratitude.

What we want to do is look around all day long and notice absolutely everything’s essential purpose and feel the incredible levity that all these things we see bring our minds when we simply allow them to be acknowledged.  Everything that we meet along our way is perfect reason to sit in the never-ending sense of gratitude.  We find ourselves completely given over to peace when we make a clear decision in our minds to live gratitude without a contrary moment.  When we just stay on the path of God and be committed to join in the extraordinary emotion of gratitude with God and our brothers and sisters our whole lives will be transformed.

We no longer find cause to suffer because our every waking breath is a celebration of the extent of our abundance in all aspects of creation.  Then each moment is a splendid gift because it is all just a practice of living in gratitude as a way to serve all humankind.

This lesson says, “Gratitude goes hand in hand with love, and where there is one the other must be.”  Gratitude is a magic state that is simply just love.  When we sit in gratitude our minds enter the state of holiness because we express and radiate simply the greatest thanks within us that is bursting to be expressed.  Gratitude is the constant knowing that it is right to be utterly happy and joyful about everything.  Gratitude gives us cause to celebrate each moment we have.


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