Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Lesson 210: Review: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” “I choose the joy of God instead of pain.”
Let’s remember that pain is not necessary. We get blasted with messages about pain being the constant that we can’t change. This is seems unavoidable. We buy into believing it because we are used to living in it. But Jesus tells us in the Course that we don’t know the difference between pleasure and pain. This may seem very hard to believe. Our egos seem to have a crystal clear view of what pain feels like. Jesus teaches us in the Course to take the time to really look at what we think is pleasure and what we think is pain- notice it. And then realize that on the surface what they are seems to be obvious. The subtle nuances of what they are is all befuddled. They are a tricky bunch- the sorting out of what is wanted and not wanted.
Fortunately we have the Holy Sprit Who is always available to answer our calls and direct us about which is which. What Jesus asks us to do is simply be open to the possibility we may not currently have a correct view of these. When we allow ourselves some mental doubt, then we unlock the space for God’s energy to come rushing in and correct the perception to be aligned with God’s perspective. Then when we allow for the possibility that we may be perceiving wrongly, this instantly opens the door for us to get clarification from God.
Once we have clarity about them, then all we need to do is choose whichever one we truly want. When we see them with clarity, then we just need to decide which one we truly want to live in and through. When we seem confused about what we want this is simply because we don’t have a clear vision of them. Then, we may need to sit down with God and ask deeper questions if we are still choosing pain over pleasure- once we know what we are doing.
Sometimes we have some block within to prevent us from getting to the place of choosing pleasure. Simply know this happens and then be forgiving of ourselves for not being ready to choose joy. Then we ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit about how to resolve our blocks to love. We just need to know that God has all the answers we need to get to a place of miracle mindedness in terms of being able to choose pleasure over pain consistently.
All we have to do is notice when we are choosing pain and ask God for an avenue to get to a place where we are at peace, where with the support of God, we can stop choosing pain. The Course is an emotional tool that works to get us certain steps in line about how to proceed fully into the choosing pleasure consistently. But within that system of how to do things, we always must check in with God all throughout the process so we have a clearer idea of what steps to take and what emotions to carry with us in the process.