Lesson 227 Laurie’s Reflections

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Lesson 227: “What is forgiveness?” “This is the holy instant of my release.”

This lesson reminds us that we can in just an instant change our minds and experience a liberation from the chains that bind us.  All it takes is the smallest moment.  We don’t have to wait for the lunar eclipse or for a New Year’s Resolution.  We can do it now.  We can do this any moment that we feel moved to do so.  This is such a blessing!  It takes just the moment we are in.  We can live in the present every minute, while we leave our past and future in the state of what they are- as non-existent.

We can live in this single moment, and take just the now for the way to our release.  All we have to do is be willing to be in the now.  Just keep letting go of everything we think we know about time.  The Course says it is all false anyway because in the world it doesn’t coincide with God’s view.  Here, we can find that even what may seem impossible over a millennia is simply possible to do just in this very second.  We don’t have to wait out eternity- fortunately for us.  All we have to do is be willing to be present now and know that all we have to do is remember that God loves us eternally and will never leave us.

When we understand that God is all we need for this release from our worldly hell then we can sit in a calm and serene moment because we know that we are blessed with this gift of release.  And the holy instant can happen at any time.  We don’t have to be doing activities in the world that seem to be toward redeeming the outcome of the world.  We don’t have to work our way to heaven or work our way to get to what the Course considers the holy instant.  Our whole life can be a holy instant and is when we simply remain aware of this.  This is why we don’t have to make ourselves worthy of God and worthy of our release because God does that without us.  We don’t have to do anything but simply know God destined us to be released.  This is why the holy instant is forever ours.


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