Friday, October 23, 2015
Lesson 296: “What is the Real World?” “The Holy Spirit speaks through me today.”
The Course teaches us to apply forgiveness to all things and all places and all people, including ourselves and even God- when we feel stuck in our process of living in God’s Love. We may need to forgive God. Sometimes we may be harboring some kind of resentment or old wounds around how we relate to God. We may have been indoctrinated in the world’s insanity and integrated at some level that God is actually out to get us. Further, we may feel resentful if we believe God wants us to feel guilty what the world calls sinning. The Course teaches us to erase this error in thinking because God actually says that we are totally lovable and therefore worthy of God’s Love and blessing. The Course teaches us to reintegrate this new and different information about how actually God is because we want to get to a place where we are not harboring guilt and fear and resentment in regards to God.
When we end up with those feelings then we truly have blocks to Love’s presence. When we believe in our sinful nature as concurrent with our personality in the moment we then can’t relax into the generosity and goodness and love that God is affording us moment to moment. This is because we don’t realize that we need forgiveness to undo the blocks to experiencing God’s Love. When we decide that God is against us then we are bound with the distress of being at war with God. This is why the Course says that we need forgiveness, even if it is about God.
What we learn about forgiveness is that it is needed everywhere. Forgiveness must be applied across the board. The ego naturally holds grudges and chews and stews over its judgment. Everything in the world including ourselves and God all get the same criticism. We were given forgiveness because when we use this as a salve to heal our ailing minds then we can stop being at odds with all that inhabits the world as well as with all the energy we encounter in our adventures there. Just realize that the ego likes to wrestle and complain and our counter argument for the ego has only one sentence- one thought, and that is forgiveness. When we forgive, we make peace with our perceived insanity.
We realize all that we thought needed the edge of criticism to set it straight simply needed a word of love in the form of forgiveness to heal its raging malady. When we reapply our forgiveness our minds are cleared from the idea of sin in any form. This is why forgiveness so specifically undoes the mistakes of our minds. Forgiveness reinvests our minds into the expression of Love and takes away what holds no power in the energy of God.