Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lesson 295: “What is the Real World?”  “The Holy Spirit looks through me today.”

I think of the Course’s Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit is absolutely having my back.  As a youngster- before I heard of the Course- my learning of religion was that if I don’t look hard for God (and the Holy Spirit) I would then lost to God.  This always felt terrible for me to think there was a way I could not connect with God or if I didn’t show appropriate interest then God would not make time for me.  I had to be on my best behavior to get God’s love and support.  This always felt to me like God was actually a bit cool and reserved and not necessarily wanting to connect.  With that interpretation of God’s personality and purpose, then I definitely felt reluctant on some level to connect with spirit because I felt He was not fully wanting me as a companion in our sacred life’s journey.
The Course says that the Holy Spirit is God and that I don’t have to stress about showing myself to God as one who is enthusiastic about joining with God.  When I think God is not necessarily crazy about me and thus, invested in our uniting, then I feel a stress that God will not find me along the way and make sure I join in God’s party.  This leaves me miserable and anxious.  When I believe God is not absolutely certain He wants to join with me then I feel unloved because I believe that God is not inviting me.  This leaves me with a gaping hole in my heart because I think God loves everyone else but me.
The Course is adamantly saying that we need to understand that the Holy Spirit is never wanting to live without us so He is committed and thrilled and completely fulfilled to be joined with us.  This is why God as the Holy Spirit is certain that we were meant to join with Him and that we are destined to join with Him.  Jesus says that we must understand that God is perfectly happy to reunite with us in our minds.  God would not have it any other way because it is our destiny to be combined in our memory.

However, with that certainty of our passionate joining, and Jesus being absolutely certain He wants nothing else than our hearts joined with all others, He also is absolutely sensitive and ever so delicate about our need to choose our own path and choose our own series of events in which to participate.  Jesus says so gently and with such love and devotion- we are gifted with the blessing of God’s joining and therefore, we will do this inevitably.  But in the Course Jesus says so gently that God will wait however long we want to take.  God has endless patience and endless love for us that He is perfectly willing to just hang out and be present and available for the magical moment when we are open to joining.

We are encouraged in the Course to let God give us every bit of space we need to get into the mind of joining.  We can dance circles around in the world, we can go lifetimes without seeing God in truth if some part of us needs to hold that as truth.  God will just sit and smile and love us and invite us with an open mind and heart.  God wants us to simply understand how pure and unadulterated is His love. Our job in the Course is to learn about what the true nature of Love is.  This is Godly Love.  We are invited to learn this of incredible quality and endless quantity.  Then we can learn to carry this in our hearts and carry it into the world.  When we begin to learn what God’s Love is truly like, this creates most definitely a shift in our feeling of peace.  We just need to allow ourselves to be teachable.

When we understand what Jesus is teaching us about the nature of God’s Love, then we can start to experience what the lesson here says- we start having the Holy Spirit looking through us.  When we bring love with us without fail to every circumstance then each circumstance can be the experience of miracle mindedness.


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