Lesson 301 Laurie’s Reflections

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lesson 301: “What is the Second Coming?” “And God Himself shall wipe away all tears.”
The Course says that we are all worthy of having direct help, love and support from God.  This is not reserved for a chosen few.  This is the gift to all of us.  This is the beauty of what the Course teaches us about our relationship with God.  We learn that God decrees that we are worthy of the very best and all of the blessing that God is capable of giving- which is beyond our limited worldly scope.  Nothing can be a happier thing for us than to know God is the greatest and has this supreme Love that makes everything better and heals all our wounds.  The beauty is that God is absolutely clear that we can count on God through thick and thin to come through on whatever life aid we need.  God is always committed to us and the resolution of our needs.  All we have to do is call on God.

This is the beauty of our ongoing relationship with God.  Since the relationship endures through all seeming obstacles we can relax and enjoy the ride of our lives.  The ego leaves us always wanting and anxious about not being able to meet our needs as the ego is always dealing in only scarcity.  God on the other hand is always offering us a full plate of whatever we need to feed us.  This is why we can feel safe and invulnerable in the world because in the back of our minds and deep within us we can always know God is ever present.  He is with the helping hand with whatever concern meets our minds.  We just need to appreciate that nothing bad ever happened to us in truth because we meet all challenges with a heart of certainty. In fact, we are blessed with God’s supreme power as our back up and as the source that provides us with every bit of relief we need.  We can stop enduring the struggle that needs God’s light to cast away shadows of pain and false illusion.

This lesson acknowledges some of our mortal challenge.  As a human the world is full of pain and misery.  The world is truly an exercise in infinite patience.  We may truly be faced with some scenarios that are completely beyond what we might have ever imagined.  We could be faced with difficulty that truly exceeds our limited ability to endure pain and discomfort.  We may have all kinds of grief that we may even experience as true sources of our tears.  We may come to our wits end and cry to try to be in the moment and express our desperation.  We can have compassion for ourselves because when something is so devastating it brings us to our knees- when we cry about it as the only way to manage what comes up for us.  In this, we are aware that life is filled with enormous heartache.  We can have moments of suffering that are indescribable.  We can just hold space in our hearts when we need time to feel that.  This in the end will heal the suffering when we feel it and then later release it when the appropriate moment comes to do so.

God says that just know that life comes with this trauma sometimes or major loss.  What we can do is feel it because it needs to be expressed and then let go.  What the Course says is no matter how deeply we feel this kind of pain that makes us cry, know all that time while you feel this, that God is also capable of and happy to heal this for us.  This will help in the moment when this thing may even feel overwhelming as we feel it.  Know that even in the darkest moment of our suffering, God never leaves our minds.  He is holding us energetically in stability until we have a moment to realize God can completely heal this moment of distress when we simply pray about it and ask God to heal us.

The Course says that sometimes we may not realize we are healed in the moment because we may still need for some reason to continue the process of experiencing the pain.  But we can know with certainty that God heals us the moment we ask.  All we have to do is trust that all is well in our minds and bodies as a result.  We may need to wait until we see it in form.  Stay in the mind of faith so we can rest in our certainty.


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