Lesson 319 Laurie’s Reflections

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lesson 319: “What is the Last Judgement?”  “I came for the salvation of the world.”

We are all united in salvation.  We all join together for the purpose of remembering we were never lost.  The Course teaches is the importance of joining.  This energy of joining in Love is the essence and fact of what we think of as our salvation.  We are invited to release our insane attachment to the world’s woes.  We can give up all our draw and any impulse to continue any or sustain any wrong thinking.  Our salvation happens when our minds and hearts and selves are aligned with God’s one energy and purpose.  There is never a problem and also no preventing us from obtaining our salvation when we stop resisting the only call we possibly have.

This is our call from God, our call from the Universal energy and Universal Mother Who calls us back to our sanity.  We all have this inner pull to come to our senses and stop pushing God out of our consciousness.  This is simply our old crazy dream where we thought there was anything else out there except for us and God.  When we remember that was a silly nightmare, we can simply wake up.  There’s no more problem when we simply make the willingness to choose our awakened consciousness.  Then we get all we need and more from simply recognizing who we are in truth.  We are God’s children who simply lost our ways.

What we discover is that our salvation is easy and quick and resolute.  All we have to do is simply undo our own mistaken belief that there is any thing out there that is other than our salvation.  Salvation is our only purpose in this life.  It’s easy to reflect this and demonstrate it in the world because it is more like wearing our skin when we live in a body.  We don’t go anywhere in the world without our skin when we are embodied.  This is the same as being within our salvation.

Our salvation is part of our Essence.  God knows and was happy to make our salvation a part of our minds.  That way we never lose our salvation.  It is always a simple heartbeat away when we just notice it.  Our hearts always beat in the body but most of the time we don’t notice it because we engage in other activities.  This is the way our salvation exists within us and is always working with us and for us as part of the idea of who we are in this worldly lifetime.

Salvation is always part of our inner workings because it was made to carry us as we go about our days.  We are invited to understand that our salvation is never anywhere without us.  Our salvation is not a physical thing.  It is the memory of who we are as wholly loved and as wholly lovable.  This is the way to our everlasting peace.  When we remember this promise from God demonstrated as our salvation then nothing can be wrong.  When we remember the certainty of our perfection in God’s image, nothing can carry us astray from our contented equanimity.


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