Lesson 58: Review:  “My holiness envelops everything I see.”  “My holiness blesses the world.”  There is nothing my holiness cannot do.”  “My holiness is my salvation.”  “I am blessed as a Son of God.”

We are learning to get used to embodying our holiness. 

This is a big job, but at the same time as simple as we can make it. 

The Course says that we are undeniably holy.  This means specifically that we are wholly innocent.

The innocence is that memory that we are perfect and are totally loved and lovable. 

That connection with our innocence is what makes us feel certain and happy. 

This is why this word holy- that often gets distorted in the world’s language- is exactly what we must realize we are now and always have been and always will be.

Our holiness comes from God.  This is the one thing He promises without any hesitation.

God gives us that exact quality of holiness because God wants us to be that way. 

This is why our holiness is always intact.  We just have to see it the way God intends it for us as our point in the way we describe ourselves.  Our holiness is also a feeling.  It is the memory of the truth of our holiness.

Furthermore, when we remember, we also have the benefit of feeling what the essence of God- our holiness- brings to our energy.

God gives us our holiness permanently and completely so this establishes what the truth is.  

We can count on this all the time.  But also, when we remember we are holy then we embody a feeling and an energy that is purely of God and, therefore, limitless.

It is an absolutely elevated energy and feeling specifically because it is of God. 

God gives us the feeling of our holiness so we can feel this in ourselves and then we exude it as we walk through the world.

We feel it within ourselves, but we also bring it to each and every encounter where we bring our miracle- readiness.  The amazing thing is we show up with what our holiness is.

This changes all the possibility of what we can do.

When we bring that connection to our innocence which is totally from God, then we bring that energy and permeate everything we see there.  We heal the world through our holiness because we embody it as we learn more how to live with it.

Then we walk right into the world and give our energy of holiness to the masses. 

We don’t have to do anything if we don’t want to.  We don’t have to fix the world in a physical way.

All we have to do is show up in the state of our holiness because this is of God and perfectly able to heal any challenge there. 

This means that we take everything we see when we are dancing through the world and we just show up.

Simply being there with the world and then engaging as we are in the state of our holiness, then our energy of holiness simply exudes our holiness.

Then, our holiness engages with everything and our holiness envelops everything because this is the nature of God’s most amazing energy and Will- to simply share blessing with the masses.

Thus, we can then bless the world with our holiness regardless of what steps we take.  This is not important.

We just have to be present in the radiance of our holiness and this shifts all we see.

The world totally gets healed in this simple act.


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