Monday, March 16, 2015
Lesson 75: “The light has come.”
The Course teaches us that there is no problem in any way. We aren’t waiting for the light to come. It is already here. This is a huge relief because we aren’t sitting around, being anxious about some unknown future that may or may not come. This is one of the ways I think the Course’s teaching is brilliant and so very compassionate.
God isn’t giving us some possibility that may or may not turn out. Jesus is saying here, the light is already within us. We are perfect as we are because there was never any mistake but an error in our understanding. Thus, all we have to do is bask in the warmth of knowing the light already exists within us powerfully and constantly. The light has never wavered and the light is a permanent illumination in the world.
The light is what makes our existence the happiest and most peaceful ever. Because it is the sure knowing that whatever part of our mind we thought we was lacking was just because our egos got the wrong news. The truth is the light within us is whole and unbroken and creates our every waking breath to be filled with certainty and joy.
There is never a feeling of lack or scarcity because the light within us has never faltered in any way. This is why we can find such comfort in knowing that the light is pure and unadulterated within us because it is the light of God. Therefore, we never have to exist through a moment of being lost because the light is already working to the greatest capacity that it could ever do. This is as the strength of God- as the light is from God.
This lesson says, “The light has come. I have forgiven the world.” Let’s remember that it is our forgiveness that lays the foundation for the experience of light in our hearts and in the world. It is when we are angry about the world’s in justice that our minds get bound up in attachment to pain. This is why forgiveness is ever so important. We need to forgive the world for the ways it is insane.
Whenever we see something that seems unfair, look at it, notice it, see what it brings up for us. Then we bring it to God’s altar and we ask to be taught a deeper understanding of how to forgive what our egos may perceive as unforgivable. Know that forgiveness is the direct route to our peace, and be committed to forgiving the world even if it seems way too difficult. Then ask God to forgive us for our part in the picture of insanity. At last, peace is the most natural response now, because all the pain is gone, with the gift of forgiving.