Sunday, March 22, 2015

Lesson 81 Review: “I am the light of the world.”  “Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.”

The combination of these two ideas strikes me as especially helpful in connecting with our inner lights.  I think of the light we bring to the world as to dispel the darkness and spread love.  This is our only true purpose- to be light and exude light wherever we turn.  This is the way we play our part in God’s plan and we can to be thoroughly happy while we play our part as the extension of God’s bright light.  This way everyone gets to be fulfilled and we get to have a great time.  Then we are a gift in every direction to all we see.

What strikes me immediately about being the light of the world is that this is a beacon of love.  We want to feel the love within us and then bring it all around us because love outpours from every cell of our being.  Remember that we are love and that God is love.  Then the love becomes visible from within us because it is such an irresistible energy to associate with.  We will absolutely love the experience of being the great light as the love with God and for God.

We are infinitely blessed by simply playing the role God has given us- the purpose of the salvation of the world.  Because the light is so exquisite and amazing to experience, we will rejoice that we are simply carriers of this light into the world.  Therefore, we will never experience any sense of burden about the part we play.  We will be so happy to be God’s love because this is the way to be truly happy.  All we have to do is notice, and then we will make no hesitation to extend the light and love to all we encounter.

The second piece we want to pay close attention to is the need we may have to extend forgiveness to the world we see.  Because grievances and judgement are totally automatic and constant, we can get bogged down with the energy of attack in response to the grievances.  Then we block the flow of love because we are bound up by our moments of denying the fullness of love’s presence.  Thus, we are asked to be vigilant in applying forgiveness to the little or big ripples in our mind’s peace when we obsess about our upsets.

The Course teaches us to make forgiveness as important as applying love.  Sometimes we get used to the love outflow and we may just think the grievance that sprung up on us is a hiccup and not worth giving the attention of healing and forgiveness it needs.


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