Lesson 92 Laurie’s Reflections

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lesson 92: “Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

The world would have us believe that there is the most strength in darkness.  When the world is filled with battles and attack, it can seem like we are in fact most powerful.  Attack is the extreme of what is not love.  Attack is very commonly the basic idea of the kind of exchange the world partakes in.  The ego insists that weakness is the result of delaying attack.  This is the opposite idea from the Course.  The Course teaches us to know that strength comes from not attacking.

When we cease to attack- we are defenseless.  The reason is because we are so safe we have no reason to attack.  With God loving us and our internalizing God’s certainty, we give off the most powerful, resilient, invulnerable energy.  Then nothing can make us believe in our own weakness because we simply realize we can be most powerful and effective at continuing to direct our lives when we stay in an observant and neutral intention.  This is from where we draw our strength.  When we are willing to engage in the world and meet all different kinds of situations from the constant state of forgiveness and love, then this is our strength.

This is why we need to sit a little bit and listen to Jesus’s teachings in the Course to help us understand how to get out of the ego’s convincing chatter about how to approach living through the world’s strength.  We instead can live as the followers of God who all share HIs power and energy.  This is the way we can get out of the world’s insanity that attack is the way to be strong in the world.

The Course also gives us this glimpse at how light and strength are one.  When we see the power of God as the source of our invulnerability we get exponentially stronger.  We simply can stop believing in the limits of the world and being human.  We can trust that because our strength comes from God, we can rest in the certainty that we will always be adequately and abundantly provided for.

We can live always with and through the experience of love because this is the function of light.  The light of God is the power of God’s love.  Therefore, we can share full faith with ourselves and all who share with us that we have every bit as much strength we need to live fully and happily in the world’s temporary dream.  When we know that light is all we need to apply to everything we can have confidence in the strength of God’s love for us.

Therefore, we can never have a moment when we lose faith in the commitment God has made to our perfect life as the power-filled creators of miracles on earth.


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