Miracles Lesson 90

Miracles Lesson 90: “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. “Let me recognize the problem is solved.” 

This lesson says the beauty of recognizing the problem and recognizing God already solved it and how perfectly they are right next to each other.

We want our issues solved, so the Course explains that the only problem we could ever have is that we think we are separate from God.

We believe the separation from God happened, but God says this is a false illusion, crazy as they can come. There is no way this could happen because God says that the separation our egos believe in is invalid, so we must take this in deeply.

Our egos run full speed ahead into guilt about the split, So the Course says that all of the guilt we experience will disappear the moment we take in the truth that the separation never happened.

The news that the break never occurred is thrilling for sure. So we have no guilt about this so that we will enjoy our lives much more. Guilt is the number one way we block our flow with God’s Love and Presence, so when we realize the separation never happened, we can enjoy God’s Presence and Love.

Once we recognize that the break never happened, we will benefit infinitely more from having God’s Love and Presence with us. 

The Course explains that our egos often cause us to lose focus, and then we allow ourselves to have a problem. Still, we do not see it because our egos have an unyielding will and presence and try to get us off track, so we end up not seeing and noticing when we have a problem.

Then we will be unable to resolve our issues if we refuse to acknowledge them. We cannot fix our problems by giving them to God’s altar when we refuse to notice them. We must first see what is there to release them to God.

 After we acknowledge them, we can take the next step of letting them go. We want to be free of problems in general so we do not suffer from them.

So this is why it is paramount that we take that time to see them and then make sure we take the time to let them go. We will be so much happier.

We want to smile about life, so the Course says we can when we start by letting go of our problems. The Course explains that God puts the problem and the solution to all of our difficulties close to each other so we do not have trouble finding the answer to each situation.

Whenever we stress about a problem, God in the Course explains that all our problems are solved instantly. The only problem is that we forget to take this in adequately that this is true.

  • So we can feel better about our distress because we need to realize that God has already solved our problems. We must take this in, and then it will shift within our consciousness. It is that simple.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski


 Licensed Acupuncture


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