“Being patient and kind with our loved ones.”

We all have relationships, because to be human means that there are other people we need to interact with; we are social beings by nature. 

We can’t help but to have to communicate and interact with people. 

Most of us would say that we have some people we consider loved ones.  Lots of us have significant others, or spouses, or children, and families that we are close to, because almost all of us crave a sense of being in union with others. 

This is natural for humans and necessary.

Since this is unavoidable, we need to understand- that ideally- we can be in a happy and easy relationship, because all of us crave ease in our lives on some level, because that is human.

Just appreciate that other people with whom we want to be close with- harmoniously- are going to have their issues, and their issues may drive us crazy.  I mean really CRAZY. 

Just know that everyone has come to earth, in this carnation, to evolve and become bigger people. 

Evolution for everyone, on their individual paths, is absolutely a given, there is no other way around it. So just appreciate that this will happen eventually, if not now, so realize that this is simply the nature of being human.

Our egos are that part of us that are screeching- at an ever higher pitch- telling us that the other person is doing it wrong, whoever they may be. 

Just realize that the ego’s commentary is constant, and overwhelming at times, so we need to find new ways to not go into judgement about the person we love, who is having whatever issues arise.  

Just let this be comfortable, and simply release that attack energy, that is the darkened shadow or judgement first. 

Just allow ourselves to be kind to the people we love, when they are having their issues. 

We can sit with a neutral mind, and be sure not come out with the crazy batch of judgement. 

And then be kind to them, because they deserve our love and forgiveness. 

Kindness is something that we often forget because the ego is utterly harsh.  

Kindness flies right out the window!  Catch it, and give it permission to reenter our awareness, and then give it to that person we love.  

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski


Licensed acupuncture


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