ACIM Lesson 256

Lesson 256: “What is sin?”  “God is the only goal I have today.”

This lesson reminds us, “The way to God is forgiveness here.  There is no other way.” 

Forgiveness is the God given instructions and plans that God gave us to actually make the world one full of love, kindness, easiness, and more love. 

God gives us forgiveness- specifically- so that we can make the world a place that is dreamy and happy.  If we don’t, we end up suffering to a maximal extent.  

Forgiveness is easy because we can always bring it with us. 

Forgiveness is the magic that totally erases our understanding of sin. 

This is the only way to truly rid ourselves of attack thoughts, if we are willing to give forgiveness to them all immediately and thoroughly. 

There are zero problems in the world, when we give forgiveness the foremost place in our minds. 

We need to give forgiveness with no reserve.  Allow it to flourish when we even have the slightest amount of distress. 

Since forgiveness is from God, it is of God, and therefore forgiveness does not follow the world’s laws. 

Forgiveness, therefore increases the moment we give even the slightest willingness to share forgiveness with ourselves and the situation. 

This means there will always be tons of forgiveness, because God never breaks his promises, or would ever change the way His laws work. 

That is the great news- that we can count on God- to remain stable in the situation, and therefore, we are guaranteed plentiful forgiveness.

Just allow forgiveness to touch your heart and allow it to direct you.  We want to bring forgiveness with not a single bit of hesitation. 

And allow forgiveness to be completely full within itself, make sure forgiveness is filled with God’s Love, so it does not end up with attack energy- somewhere in association with it. 

For example, when we forgive with also ideas that forgiveness is something that must be done, with the intention of judgement about anything in the situation. 

Make sure we take precise note about all the aspects of what is happening in the situation, and give that judgement we notice that arises, and then forgive that first.

Just give God permission to be with us constantly. 

The amazing thing is that God never leaves our minds or hearts or bodies.  We just forgot. 

How insanely loving is God- that He gives us His presence within us all the time!! 

Just give God a voice in our minds, and honor that space with a deep love and respect.

It is that simple, to just allow God to be heard within- that inner voice that we all have.  So just be willing to tune into this for our own benefit.

All love,

Laurie Preznbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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