Food is our Friend!

One of the biggest challenges of making our own relationship with food one that is harmonious is that we are often quite resistant to loving our regular food or accepting it fondly. 

First of all, we all generally find ourselves- at some point of our lives- or maybe for the majority of our lives- resistant to eating better. 

Sometimes we are totally resistant to giving ourselves permission to try new-to-us foods, healthier foods. 

Regular dark, leafy greens are a great addition to our diets and yet, maybe even trying- in the first place- these foods that are DIFFERENT can require a serious piece of mental gymnastics- to say the least, purely because of our resistance. 

We may make all of the healthy foods seem so over the top, in the “weird” category. And it is just too strange to make it happen.  Just give ourselves permission to not want to try whatever can seem so different.  

Sometimes when we want to try some new food or foods that are healthier, our egos come up with every excuse in the book, to otherwise engage our minds and hearts, so we can not even get to the place where we can even try these “exotic” foods.

 Forgive this. 

The ego is always making obstructions in the plans we have to grow. Just give the ego permission to simmer down eventually, and allow a greater space within us, where we can try this different kind of food.

I am always amazed that there are so many different kinds of vegetables. 

Just take a trip to a big grocery store sometime and check this out.  Just give everything in the vegetable aisle a try at some point.  

I found that eating cooked vegetables, in large quantities, is the second most reason, that I can maintain my low weight consistently. 

I think fruit are also good at times too, but fewer fruit than vegetables, because fruit are sweet generally. I eat fruit for dessert usually.

I eat less than half the amount of fruit than I eat of vegetables because of the sweetness of fruit. 

I moderate fruit.  But vegetables, I eat in huge quantities, for lunch and dinner.

I also find that the more I eat healthy foods, the more the taste of them grows on me. 

Just be open to eating them.  There is always that inner judge that is always in the picture that likes to comment in the negative about everything.  

Just allow this to happen, when it does. 

Don’t deny that there is a layer of insanity with us.  Don’t deny those feelings, so then we end up totally stuck about changing things. 

Once we look at the problem, with a kind and easy eye, then the result is that we can proceed to move beyond whatever the intense urge of the ego to call the shots.

If we go along- long enough- to make a greater sense of peace with the healthy foods we are eating, then the likelihood is that it will cause less of a stir energetically within us, when we find ourselves in the process of eating that food. 

Since this happens, that knowledge itself that it is true, helps us to have more enthusiasm and easiness about eating healthy foods. 

Once we know about this realty, it becomes easier to eat well.  It is more worth the effort.  So we can just hold this in our awareness.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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