Laurie’s Positive Points: What to successfully do with pain.

Laurie’s Positive Points: What to do with physical or emotional pain.

 Remember that pain physical pain is challenging to deal with, and we may be very resistant to having it and want it to disappear. Pain is the thing that makes our moment-to-moment life full of discord.

It is one thing that feels off when we have it, so we want to find ways to change the pain we feel.

So there are ways to manage pain and decrease the discomfort, but it’s always combined with some emotional balancing. I believe that our minds are the main instigators of creating the pain we feel, even if it is physical.


The world is created by reflecting our minds and intentions, so we need to ensure that our minds are not part of the instigation of the pain. We must watch our minds and find when we go to any amount of resistance to life.

When we resist, we get energetically off balance because any opposition is a way we are not in sync with life and God’s Universe, where we have total ease and abundant health. So, we must get in touch with our inner intention and feel our feelings so we do not have any undesired reactions to the world in terms of resisting what we see.

I believe that when we meet the world and our lives with ease and comfort, then we will likely erase some of our physical pain and emotional pain because we face it and feel the pain with less belief that it is accurate and genuine.

We see our pain as unreal and are likely to manage it better when we continue to remind ourselves it is unreal and, therefore, has no power to influence us. We need to remember not to suffer about it anymore.

We must watch our minds to help manage pain. Then, additionally, we can do some practical things that will help reduce the pain we feel. Take many full breaths. Watch our breathing to see that it is complete.

Do some self-care, like getting massages or acupuncture to help with the pain. We can do things like exercise, which helps with the pain, or rest to have more capacity to manage pain. When we sleep, we fill our inner tank with abundant energy, which is one way we can contribute to feeling better from upsetting flares of pain.  

All Love,

 Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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