Lesson 249: “What is the World?” “Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss.”
This lesson says, “Forgiveness paints a world where suffering and loss is over, loss becomes impossible, and anger makes no sense.”
The way for us to really get out of our rut of constant attack energy is to allow it to be gone entirely.
When our egos speak, and all egos spew out the same insanity, so just realize that this is not new.
Just take this and forgive this.
We need to forgive the insanity instantaneously, allow all of that attack energy to be released, into the void, and entirely disintegrate.
We can, if we are open and willing to choose to do so.
Our willingness is that moment the miracle CAN happen because we are open to giving that old stuck ego part of ourselves permission to exit our consciousness, and our awareness, so we are no longer burdened with the belief it is there.
Initially, just being open to forgiveness is the only way to allow forgiveness to work at all.
Being open to the process of forgiveness, within our own minds and hearts, while we are also totally clear about what is the true interpretation of forgiveness in the first place.
This is where forgiveness can truly work. We need to hold- with gentleness and kindness for ourselves- about how forgiveness works in the Course’s description. Then we need to be willing to follow this to the letter.
Then, once we understand God’s intended purpose and definition of forgiveness, then we can simply carry it with us like our best friend.
We can call on that Godly-defined forgiveness to heal everything; we heal what needs to be healed, which will happen constantly.
The world is full of situations that are about Love, or they are a call for Love, so the likelihood that we will need to apply forgiveness to everything is a given, if we want to be comfortable.
And God declares emphatically that we are lovable, and eternally sinless, and so it is our inherent right to be happy, easy, and light.
God wants us to giggle, simply because it is more fun, and God is dedicated to our fun, so we need to be dedicated to the fun too.
If we are going to be dedicated to our own fun, we need to be the constant bringer of the miracle in the form of forgiveness.
The best part of this reality is that we can go easily from now on in the world, simply because we have forgiveness within our back pockets all the time, since God makes forgiveness readily available.
Thus, our days of worry are over, because there is nothing to worry about, if we just add forgiveness to the mix, which is always with us if we choose to remember it. Wow!!! How sweet is that??!!!
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed Acupuncture