Lesson 330: “What is Creation?”  “I will not hurt myself again today.”

The Course tells us that we don’t know the difference between pleasure and pain. 

When we are not clear what they are, then we will have a blur of feelings and we will be unclear what we truly are willing to stand for.

When that line between pleasure and pain is not visibly clear, we end up getting into situations where pain is our typical feeling and we think we are asking for pleasure. 

This makes for a muddy consciousness when we don’t know the difference between light and dark.  

The Course reminds us that we truly don’t know what pleasure and pain are, and this is why we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit to be that mediator who guides us and explains the true nature of pleasure and pain.  God has prepared the way the Universe works so that we can simply rely on the Holy Spirt for the clarity of these definitions.  Just remember our ego’s battle all the time for the control over how we define everything.

The ego is so attached to being right and knowing everything. 

The ego goes to all sorts of battle stances when we try to let anyone else paint the picture of our reality.  The ego wants us to suffer and that is why the ego gives us every reason not to let God into creating a new perspective for us.

Just appreciate that our tasks is to let go of the ego’s rigid hold on being right.  This always gives us reason to cringe and back away.  We get so frustrated and sad that the egos are proclaiming their own perspectives.

We are the ones who hurt ourselves. 

We need to appreciate our own work.  No one else can make us suffer.

This may feel like an attack on ourselves if we are making ourselves responsible for our suffering. 

This is not at all intended to hurt us in any way. 

God is asking us simply to wake up. 

We are wanting to connect with the reality as it is so that we can be truly empowered in our co-creating of our lives with God. 

The awareness that we are the sole creators of the problem is simply a waking call that we can make this entirely different for ourselves.  This is the best information ever because it means we can do the best thing possible for ourselves.

We can choose to not suffer. 

The Course gives us methods that always work when we apply them adequately to our thinking.  We have a way out.  We just need to do it.

Our empowered sense of self is what gives us the happy dream because we are choosing God when we are firm about not letting ourselves suffer.


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