Lesson 331

Lesson 331: “What is the ego?”  “There is no conflict, for my will is yours.”

The Course teaches us that we must ideally release any sense of inner conflict because when we are ripe with unresolved inner conflict, we end up losing our alignment within ourselves.  

Our alignment is ever so important because when we are not aligned in energy- with our thinking, our words, and our behavior within ourselves and with God, we lose our effectiveness in the world.

Being wholly aligned gives us an incredibly powerful energy, because we are totally asserting our energy because we are not fettered in any way with conflict within.  

The Course reminds us how important is our attention to this inner conflict.

When we lose track at maintaining it in a holistic way, then we lose our momentum in the world because our power comes when we are strong in our alignment with ourselves and with God. 

If we are out of focus within, then we, as a result, are asked to keep returning to this accomplishing this task until we get good enough to notice it automatically.   This happens over time, when we are adequately practiced.

Our alignment keeps us most successfully present and productive in the world. 

This is why we are asked to make it our number one priority.  

Anytime we have conflict, this is a ripple in the inner lake of our thinking that disturbs our equanimity. 

The Course reminds us that there are no small upsets. 

All are equally disturbing to our minds.  This is why we are asked to be consistently vigilant in watching our thinking, watching when our minds are not surrendering that attack within that happens because we think we see attack in the world.  

The Course reminds us that the little grievances we see in the world are all simply our minds projected outward.  That means that we can change the world if we want, we simply must start with our own minds first.

The way to change our circumstances is to stay vigilant in continually clearing our minds of every last grievance. 

Stop at nothing to give them to God’s altar to be transformed into something that is only the expression of love.  

We make our own serenity our only priority.

And we continue to make our minds breeding ground for love. 

We want nothing else.   We can do this when we just remember to notice even the little ones.

Make them all a gift for God and for everyone that we make our minds a fertile ground for forgiveness and make our alignment with God the single thing that matters most to us all day long. 


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