Lesson 212: “I am not a body.   I am free.  For I am still as God created me.”  “I have a function God would have me fill.”

Lesson 192 says, “Only forgiveness can persuade the Son to look upon his holiness.”   

When we live in the ego’s world and ego’s body, we get inundated with attack energy in the form of grievances. 

This always happens because the ego stops at nothing to completely and thoroughly orchestrate that nightmare we are always running away from.  The Course reminds us that the only real job we need to do on earth in the human condition is to forgive.

Forgiving is God’s gift to all of us who believe we got separated from God and that we are guilty. 

This means we can get right to the task and forgive this constant guilt we feel.  

We can also forgive the insanity of the ego.

We just need to do something to remember the ego’s drama is not real by forgiving it. 

Forgiveness is the magic and miraculous salve that makes us entirely forget all of the nightmare. 

We give it all to God on God’s altar and we forgive like there is no tomorrow. 

We get on our knees and pray in the breath of serenity so that we learn from the Holy Spirit what it means to forgive. 

Then, we become more practiced and more thorough in our forgiveness process.  This is the only important thing- to just stay on the task of getting into a deeper awareness of what forgiveness means and how we can and must apply it without fail.

That attack energy sends us right out of alignment with God’s purpose. 

This is why we are asked to forgive ourselves for this error we make and just see it all as unreal so that it has no lasting effect on us. 

That cool way we can be above the battleground is the ideal we want to feel in the process of forgiveness. 

We want to make forgiveness our number one go to.

Forgiveness is the closest thing we can do to get to God in the ego’s world.

We have the healing energy of forgiveness to get us into the reality of God who is our most beloved Benefactor. 

And when we focus on forgiving, the amazing thing is that we get our minds and hearts so clear that aligning with God’s energy and purpose stays totally intact.

Then, we can sit and feel good about ourselves and feel great about everyone else because we have done our thorough forgiveness work.  That means then we can spend our time knowing we are holy as we are because we have no blocks’ to Love’s Presence within us.


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