Lesson 329: “What is Creation?”  “I have already chosen what You Will.” 

The Course reminds us that we are already so much farther to God than we are used to thinking. 

When God seems so far away this is when the ego is speaking loudly and hoarsely.  When the ego is the loudest, we often lose our ability to reconnect with our truth that we never left God.

It turns out that we are never lost from our identity and position as God’s children. 

That means all is well in our lives all the time.  The problem is that we forget.

The Course gives us this philosophy that states that on some cosmic and energetic level we have already chosen to be with God.

On that level, we never left God even in our perception.  The reality is that we are one with God exactly as our life seems right now.  This means that there is simply no problem whatsoever.

All the problems the ego makes are actually not real because we are children of God and we have all the certainty within and the abundance without.

We are so entirely blessed in this life that it is almost hard to describe we are doing so well. 

Because God loves us as His beloved children, we never left God.  This is our true place in the Universe.

That means that on some level we have already made the decision to have our Will and purpose be united with God’s.  

This saves us a half step in our process of getting back to God when we forget.  

When the ego is loud and cranky and not relinquishing control, we want so much to get back to God, but sometimes a whole step seems terribly big, insurmountable.  

That’s why we get afraid and feel paralyzed.  Thus, the Course reminds us that we never left God in the first place.  When we realize this, then we are actually already home exactly as things are in the present moment.

That means that we just have to take the half step of remembering that our separation from God never happened in the first place.

This half step already taken by God in the Course’s promise reminds us that we can have the courage and willingness to take that half step still required to remember we never left God.  

This is the best news for us.  What matters is that we practice with that extra spring in our step because we realize that getting to God is so much easier than we ever might have thought.

This totally matters in something like Thanksgiving when we are faced with a lot of food to feast on in banquets with family and friends. 

Sometimes there also might be emotional stress when we visit or meet with loved ones we may not usually visit.

Sometimes we  find ourselves there in dynamics that feel stressful.

What is so fortunate is that we can do the Course with a passion in these situations.

Just remember we can sit in gratitude for being well fed at Thanksgiving and remember that our relationships too give us a reason to get to God.

Let’s remember that everyone is our savior. 

Thus, we can sit in forgiveness and gratitude and keep Thanksgiving light. 

Just remember also when we may feel tempted to eat more than we want, just come back to this reminder that God’s Will is already united within.

We have God to keep us balanced and fed on Love and therefore, we can eat moderately. 

We don’t need to eat to cope with emotional upsets. 


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