Lesson 355 Laurie’s Reflections

Monday, December 21, 2015

Lesson 355: “What am I?”  “There is no end to all the peace and joy, and all the miracles that I will give, when I accept God’s Word.  Why not today?”

We need to ask ourselves this question every day.  The Course provides us with a clear description of Who God is.  We don’t have to wonder and waver because God seems to be a mystery at best.  Usually people harbor some amount of fear of God because we got stories along the way that God is out to get us when we live our day to day lives which are filled with our foibles- that we often feel guilty about because we have this silly notion that we let God down.

This is always fuel for a precarious relationship with God.  When we are secretly dreading being associated with God because we believe we are not good enough to please God or we don’t have a history with just the right credentials so God will throw us to the wolves.  We all get this false and wrong perception that God doesn’t think much of us- much, much less give us the kingdom of heaven and salvation. This is presumably a gift of a devoted God who loves us more than we can imagine.   We very commonly don’t believe that God loves us in the least.

Jesus explains in the Course why God does love us to such the extreme that he gives us the very best of the Universe and in our minds as the demonstration that God is willing to correct our faulty thinking about Him.  We get to have God’s beloved promise of our peace of mind throughout the worldly life we live.  This means that God loves us entirely.  God can not be more happy with us.  We just forgot this.  Therefore, Jesus tells us here that we just need to accept God’s plan and show up with our willingness to bring our minds to God for the correction of our moment of insanity.

God’s Word is always there for us to integrate into our thinking and behaving.  We just need to remind ourselves of this truth that is never more than just a thought away.  God is the light we have always longed for since we fell asleep and dreamed we were separate from God.  We just have to be clear about our willingness to participate in the undoing of our crazy moment of falling from God’s beam.  The truth of God that we are infinitely blessed as carriers and livers of God energy is always available for us to eat, sleep and breathe as we become one with this truth.  All we have to do is know it and allow our minds to become it.


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