Lesson 356 Laurie’s Reflections

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lesson 356: “What am I?”  “Sickness is but another name for sin.  Healing is but another name for God.  The miracle is thus a call to Him.”

Healing is when there is nothing wrong.  When we are in a state of being wholly aligned with God we therefore have no conflict within as well then we are fully whole.  When we are whole we have no belief in the validity of sickness or sin because we feel right and pure- sinless- within our minds.  When we think thoughts of God and our identity as the decendent and essence of God then we simply remember there is nothing that has ever happened that is not good.  When we get our minds aligned with this truth that we receive from God as a reminder of what we know but temporarily forgot then we can rest in the sense of our inner peace because there is no part of us that is not in the same vibration and thus essence of God.

This is why sickness simply has no meaning.  Sickness is like a dream that we fell asleep and thought it happened, but when we tune into God’s purpose and our alignment with God this illusory dream state where we were anything less than perfect simply ceases to be.  We wake up from the nightmare that sickness is real because we are truly in awareness of the perfection of our minds and hearts and then the extension of this to our bodies.  Because, all things are included in the perfection of God.

Just keep in mind that our miracle is the utmost perfect way to change our idea that sin is real.  The miracle when we apply it to our minds is simply the remembering that God’s Love is eternal and God’s Love is the filler of what happens in our lives.  When we allow the miracle to be cast down upon all we see, especially anything that is unreal like sickness, the miracle simply wakes us up in the moment and reminds us that God is the only thing that is real.  We must bring the shift in our consciousness, the miracle to all we see, then any mistaken notion that God is not present and fully charged in His Love to undo any false beliefs that create any misfortune for us disappears.


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