Lesson 328:  “ What is Creation?”  “I choose the second place to gain the first.” 

When we live with our egos in the world, the ego is generally scrambling to be first. 

The world is filled with competition galore.  We push in line to get to the beginning because we we believe that there is not enough for everyone.  We believe in the world’s scarcity because it is the regular approach of the ego’s mentality.

The Course teaches us the exact opposite- that the world is filled with plenty.  We discover that abundance is a constant truth.  We just need to remember it and realize this is so.

When buy into the plenty, we are confident that there will be plenty for everyone.

This changes our perspective dramatically. 

When the world is abundant, we can simply sit and enjoy it.  We don’t have to compete about every last thing and try whatever to get ourselves or our things measuring above someone else’s supply.  This changes how we feel.

The Course teaches us that we are meant to be comfortable in the world and this is why we must be careful to never allow this feeling of meagerness into the realm of our thinking. 

When we do, we perpetuate the lack because our energy contributes to reinforcing the idea.

Thus, the Course teaches us that we must feel and experience the energy of plenty.

When we do, we exude this energy and the likelihood is much greater that we will see this energy in and out of form all around us. 

Because, we give it reality in our experience.

This is why we must do our part with God in the co-creating of our lives to simply make the energy of abundance powerful in our minds and experience.  This is a powerful way to live because it works and it is the only sure fire way to create a reality that is abundant around us and throughout our lives.

Holding our minds in a state of plentiful positive energies and abundant happy inclusions is one of the best ways to affect our realities and create lives we truly want with the greatest passion. 

However, we also want to simply remember that, since there is abundance within us, then there is no threat at all in choosing the second place instead of the first.

Furthermore, this brings us to the first place because it is so wonderful- whatever we do.  The Course simply wants us to not worry or have concern if we are in the second place or very last place.

It all is beautiful when we realize how amazing whatever it is that happens. 

Since we are living in abundance in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, there is never a reason to not be ultra happy and excessively grateful because we are getting to do all the things that make us truly happy.

When we realize there is no difference in our experience of being last place or first place, this is because God’s love is filling our hearts in whatever position we are in and all positions are equally fun and easy and decadent.

When we connect with what are our authentic feelings when we tell ourselves that being second in line is just as happy and wonderful as the first, it is not being irresponsible.

It is important to experience the true feelings- to acknowledge them and not simply short circuit our emotional processing systems. 

It helps to use them at times and keep them in tip top shape.

But we simply want to appreciate that when we tell our minds that the world is abundant even if we perceive opposite ideas- that the true world we see is not that way in fact, the amazing thing is- our feelings change when we change the thoughts.

And when our feelings change regarding our willingness to be at peace in whatever role we are in, then we actually get to be at peace, because we are simply creating our own reality.

This is the way to be powerful and be at peace.


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