Lesson 202: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.”  “I will be still an instant and go home.”

Lesson 182 says, “His patience has no limits. He will wait until you hear His gentle Voice within you, calling you to let Him go in peace, along with you, to where He is at home and you with Him.” 

The Course says that we have no pressure to unite with God.

The ego tries to make us think there is some schedule we need to adhere to.

The ego likes to try to control everything so the ego makes sure we get the message that we are not getting to God quick enough. 

The ego distorts everything, making our progress and process a problem. 

The ego always makes some problem to complain about.

The Course’s version of God is totally gentle and kind. 

God is utterly considerate and gives us all the space we could ever want for in our beloved Parent. 

God is actually our best friend and most cherished confidant so that God wants us to know that there is no hurry with Him.  He is totally happy for us to be in whatever process we are in.

He loves us if we wear blue and He loves us if we wear our snazzy Sunday best or we simply hang out around the pool in our jammies. 

God doesn’t care how these details of our existence are.  God loves us no matter what.

That means we can just do our thing and trust God is wholly with us a hundred percent. 

God is such a well developed Deity and Entity. 

He has completely advanced emotional skills, and therefore, has the perfect capacity to wait for us however long we may take in the process of evolving and figuring out when is the best time for us to simply remember God. 

We are so used to that old God idea where God is cranky and pushy.  We made a silly mistake with this perception.  The amazing thing is that we are wrong and so we don’t have to cower under the pressure of our ego-effort to evolve spiritually and emotionally.  All we have to do is show up when it works for us.

This is so freeing when we realize God is not out there tapping His foot getting upset because we forgot today. 

God has patience we can’t even understand.  God’s capacity for everything is beyond what we can understand.  Just appreciate that it is remarkable.

Just enjoy this amazing feeling of having no pressure to join with God at all. 

It then gives us the motivation to join God sooner, because we learn here how lovely and kind God is in the way God respects our process.

His love fills up everything because it is so plentiful and powerful, and then it simply seeps through the walls in the cave in our hearts so that we can have that flash of rebirth in our motivation to join Him. 

We then simply do our joining because it is fun and easy with no strain at all from expectation from God.  This is all non-existent, therefore, we simply  experience it no further.


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