Saturday, January 31, 2015
Lesson 31: “I am not the victim of the world I see.”
When we identify as a victim it is because we feel completely disempowered. When we feel like a victim it’s because we feel like we have been robbed of some detail of our reality. We think it is wrong and we are upset because what we see makes us feel like we are getting a raw deal from life. The bottom line is that when we are a victim we don’t believe we can trust in God.
We can’t hold our faith that God’s plan is better than the ego’s and will necessarily bring us the most certain joy. When we feel like a victim it’s because our ego thinks it is a much more effective planner than God. When we feel like a victim, our problem is because we can’t believe God has the way that suits us. We are angry at God for not giving us what the ego wants. This is a situation of total distress when we feel like we didn’t get the goods.
The problem is that we can’t forgive God when we are stuck in victim mode. We see our reality and judge it as unwanted, so then we have no trust that God is serving our higher good. We have to forgive, forgive, forgive, when we feel in victimhood. We need to forgive God for not making our reality what we think is ideal, and we need to forgive ourselves for being angry at God.
We must forgive so we can ultimately undo the anger at God and ask for the Holy Spirit to teach us faith that all is well regardless of what we see. This is the only way to peace.