Monday, December 15, 2014

Lesson 349: “Today I let Christ’s vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead.”

We are so blessed with the option to look through Christ eyes.  We don’t have to wobble around and wonder where we gain information about what we see.  We don’t have to worry that we will misunderstand what we see and make a wrong response to this action.  The ego worries and judges with irritation and resentment.  The ego finds every reason to stress about figuring out the answers to what troubles us.

The ego has collected all sorts of tools to figure out how to move forward.  The ego makes us think it has everything under control.  This is why we have to deeply search within for the other path that is not the ego because this perspective, God’s view, gives us all the direction that we require.

The ego just makes us think it has come to some sought after solution.  The ego is a master at convincing us that its vision is valid.  We have to stop glorifying our ego’s opinion.  The ego has no business judging because it has no connection to the one true connection which is God.

We can give the ego some attitude, a sassy “NO, I won’t follow you.”  And we can also be gentle while we firmly state our intention to in no way let the ego lead.  Don’t let the ego explain anything.  It doesn’t have the first clue at how to make sense of what it sees.  The ego has lack as a foundation so it is most likely to see lack externally and create it in its reflection.

I love the Course’s insistence in creating love no matter what we see.  When we see anything in the world we ask the Holy Spirit to take it and then see through the eyes of God to make sense of it.  And then we make the step to bring love to whatever we see.  The Course says all situations are about love or they are a call for love.

Therefore, in every instance I can fill the circumstance with God’s love as a miracle to make sure that the end result is nothing but the exquisiteness of God’s love.  I love that we have instruction how to meet every situation.  We see the situation with eyes of God and then we judge not.  Then in response, we are given the principles of miracles, how to help the situation shift in consciousness to one of God’s perfect energy- the home of never ending Love.


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