Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lesson 50: “I am sustained by the Love of God.”

We are used to thinking we are powered by the world and the earth.  We think we live via money and are guided by our own plans to succeed in life.  We are taught in the Course to let God be the only true Source of our energy, power, motivation, direction and goals.  All we need to do is to remember one thing and that is that God is the Source of every push to venture forward.

God is the reason we move from a heart of love, why we are full beings with each step we take.  God is Love and that Love is capable of sustaining us in every way.  We need to stop and realize that the answer to how will we ever manage what we see is perfectly answered with the one thing that is always abundantly available to us- which is God’s Love.  When we have heartache or when we get sick, when we are stuck in serious financial straights God is always there to see us through.  We absolutely don’t have to suffer in any way because all of our seeming ailments are simply remedied by our Source of plentiful Love.

We don’t have to see if we can scrape by with what the world has to offer as a remedy.   God’s Love is the perfect solution.  We just have to be willing to accept it as true and not try to resist this in any way.  We just need to sit in the awareness of the perfection of Gods’ Love and then know nothing is impossible.  God has the means to fix every and even the slightest of difficulties.


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