2-2-15 Lesson 33 Laurie’s Reflections

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lesson 33: “There is another way of looking at the world.”

I love that the Course gives us this light at the end of the tunnel.  We have just spent the last weeks deconstructing our beliefs and perceptions about the world.  We have been willing to participate in this process of surrendering the attachment our egos feel to our judgement and past and future and the foundation of what we raised in our world with the ego’s hand.

Here’s the blessed moment when we get to see the world with an about face perception.  We have been willing to turn everything to the altar of God to help us get out of our past habit of maintaining the status quo of our mental state.  We are beginning to undo some of the dream we constructed.  And now Jesus says, “Check this out!  Here’s the happy dream…”

The Course teaches that we are not yet with God entirely if we are still in the world, so total joining is not as yet.  However while we are in the world God is loving as to give us the making for what Jesus calls a “happy dream” where we live within love and forgiveness in all we do and we accept our salvation as the child of God.  We can either live the “happy dream” or the “nightmare” (the ego’s path) in the world.  The great news is, choosing the happy dream is easy once we get the hang of it.  And this is the way to peace.  This is the best case scenario given our current human state.  This is where in the happy dream we are continually supported by God’s love and energy.

This lesson teaches about the other way to see the world.  The good news is- this is the way to Heaven now.  We must simply realize there is another option besides the “nightmare” which the ego has long been perpetuating.  As long as there is a happier option, the beauty is- this is the quick way out of our suffering.  We just need the willingness to choose.


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