Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lesson 63: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.”

The reason forgiveness brings peace to every mind is because forgiveness is the releasing of our attachments.  When I show up willing to forgive, I put down my dukes and stop making war.  All attack thoughts come when we aren’t willing to apply forgiveness.  Then attack thoughts make whatever we are up against into an enemy.  This is why when we forgive we stop resisting and pushing at this perceived enemy.  When we attack, this is necessarily an anger response.  Anger keeps us locked into the attack.  The anger keeps attack going in every direction within us.  This energy totally prevents us from feeling aligned, at ease and gentle.  This is why we are asked to make forgiveness an absolute necessity in every instance.

Forgiveness energetically puts us in a straight and gentle energy within ourselves.  This is why we have to keep forgiving until we get to a place of letting go the irritation we might feel.  When our anger stirs up within, it ceases to make us open to healing and releasing this feeling.  This is the magic of forgiveness because it just makes everything aright.  Our energy becomes whole and the struggle within disappears because forgiveness heals any memory of pain.

This lesson says. “You are being asked to accept salvation that it may be yours to give.”  We are taught here that when we have something truly then we can know for sure we can give it.  This is how we know we have integrated it within ourselves. It is always a beautiful gift to share with others what has brought us great peace and joy.  When we give something away, we know for sure it is ours.  This lesson reminds us that salvation is the right of each and every one of us.  We just have to remember God gave us this because it is our right in God’s Kingdom- giving all of us our key to the glorious gates of God.  We just have to understand surely it is our right to enjoy this gift and live in the certainty of knowing salvation is our inheritance.


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