Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Today I will write my Reflection about the question, “Is there dualism in thinking we are both ego and spirit?”  I believe there is dualism here.  The Course asks us to to focus specifically on knowing we are only spirit.  Jesus makes much effort to teach us not to identify as the ego and as one living in the world.  The Course says that the ideal way to live and the most peaceful way to live is when we are not trying to live in both realities.  We want to put every effort in holding our Godly Mind through everything we do.
We have to understand that identifying solely with Spirit would be the ideal and if we could be in a perfect world.  What we want to do is strive for this and know wholeheartedly that at some level of our reality this is possible.  Therefore, don’t try to skirt the importance of making this effort because it is the only way to be true to ourselves and also be peaceful in the world.  When we focus on the ideal of being Spirit we are not in conflict because all of us is aligned with this intention.

However, while we are in the world and in human bodies this level of ideal is not possible in most circumstances.  People and our egos reject this level of living in God’s perfection.  Thus we have to know that because we haven’t figured out otherwise yet, we are still living in duality and believing in the worldly dream.  We don’t know how to do  it otherwise because we don’t have fully clear intention to see other than our dream.

While we are in human form we haven’t gotten clear just how to see Spirit and nothing else.   While the Course tells us this is possible, we have to also simultaneously understand that we may not be ready for this elevated consciousness yet.  If this is the case, we can forgive ourselves.  We can know that we want to not live in the duality of Spirit and ego simultaneously but for now that’s where we are, so forgive it.

We want to forgive this because we want to know there is never anything wrong.  And we don’t want to make ourselves the problem because we are still generally stuck in duality.  Then we want to make every effort to see that both of these things are true, we are in the ego and Spirit, while also we know with certainty there is no other reality than the one that is entirely experienced through God and Spirit.  We see that both are true for the time being.  Then this is the first step to getting out of duality permanently with God.  The great news is that this is a positive step toward our ultimate experience of seeing God only.

We have to forgive this duality because if we don’t, we feel guilty about it.  Then this is a block to love’s presence.  Let’s be sure to include this dilemma when we offer this up to God’s altar to remove all the error here.  This makes our mind’s as clean and clear as possible so we can be a beacon of God’s light and an instrument of God’s peace.

We want to forgive ourselves because this is just the ego’s reality that we are not fully aligned with God in non-duality.  This doesn’t even exist in God’s world.  This is why forgiveness is imperative.  We have nothing to feel badly about.  And, simultaneously we want to make the clear intention not to perpetuate duality.  This is why the Course is just a little tricky to tread that fine line.  It is surely possible.  Takes practice.


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