Lesson 56:  Review: “My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.”  “Above all else I want to see.”  “Above all else I want to see differently.”  “God is in everything thing I see.”  “God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.”

The bottom line is that we are invulnerable.

 That means we are 100% safe at all times.  Nothing can harm or injure us in any capacity at all.  This means everything in terms of our comfort and our quality of life when we know we are not having to be anxious of being harmed.

The Course says that God declares us invulnerable.  

By definition of this word, it means that our safety is a sure thing. 

This is exactly what we want to hear.  But what happens is that the ego bombards us with attack thoughts and they attack our minds for sure.

The Course says, however, that there is simply no way that all of our attack thoughts no matter how fierce they may be, are ever impacting us in the slightest way in terms of our invulnerability. 

We are still undeniably safe.  This is such a great bit to hear.  We can trust that we are safe regardless of the amount of attack thoughts going through our minds.

Therefore, nothing can injure us in truth. 

Nothing is more powerful than God and the energy and essence God shares with us. 

This means then God is fully in charge of deciding the nature of our essence.  Since God says we are invulnerable, nothing can affect us negatively.  This means that those attack thoughts are simply a waste of our time and energy.

The attack thoughts it turns out have no power to impact us because God gave us the kind of essence that is full proof in remaining unscathed. 

Therefore, nothing happens except the attack thoughts going through our minds. 

The Course is teaching us how to remember that nothing can injure us in any way.  We can rest in this assurance.

However, in the meantime, we want to not let the attack thoughts go through our minds because it is simply our quality of life and our peace of mind at stake when we let the attack thoughts run rampant through our minds. 

Thus, monitoring our minds and releasing the attack thoughts is absolutely essential to the quality of our lives.  

We are reminded that we don’t need to be afraid of attack thoughts. If we believe that they have the power to injure us, then we simply lose our certainty that we are safe and loved.

That stinks but still our invulnerability is untouched. 

Ideally, we want instead to keep our certainty totally intact.

The loss of certainty causes us to feel more vulnerable.

We are reminded just to embrace that we are not more vulnerable because God decrees that we are invulnerable.  Furthermore, we benefit from feeling fully the experience of being certain of our invulnerability at the hand of God.

This allows us to let our guards down so we are open to the possibilities in life while we trust that we are taken care of by God.


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