Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 111: Review: “Miracles are seen in light.”  “Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

This lesson says, “My weakness is the dark His gift dispels, by giving me His strength to take its place.”

The Course provides us with a system of belief in which God gives us all the help we need to dispel any darkness. 

Our egos have an attachment to attack thoughts and this is the darkness we all find within.

The attack thoughts may be geared toward anyone.

We could be attacking in our minds in the whole span of people- ourselves or other people or even God.

The attack thoughts run unrestrained because this is what the ego likes to fret over internally- and then force-feed out to the world.

The ego likes to push its darkness upon us.  The ego is always stimulating these attack thoughts because the ego is addicted to pain.  The ego feels needy and then this neediness often makes us lash out to other people in the form of attack throughs as criticism or rage or judgment.  Then we end up feeling guilty about attack thoughts for having them.  Then our minds go to battle with the ups and downs of this emotional baggage we turn outwardly and inwardly.

The attack thoughts take many different forms that come out in our behavior but it is all this unresolved darkness that the ego usually hides.  Furthermore, the attack thoughts all come out in intention as well because they always get to the surface even if it is in a roundabout delivery.

The attack thoughts are whenever we see anything that isn’t love. 

This is why we simply are learning to watch for these insane behaviors and gently and lovingly call them in.  All we have to do is notice them, don’t shove them under the rug.  We bring them to the surface and we forgive ourselves for our insane attachment to pain through which we perpetuate the attack thoughts in our minds.  Then, we take a look at them and understand that they are all errors in our judgement.

Our attack thoughts are not of God because God is only love and attack thoughts are anything else but God. 

We just have to appreciate that this darkness is always part of how the ego wants to communicate.  We are simply learning that in applying the miracle, this is our way to shift this ego habit.

The Course teaches us that the miracle is a shift in perception.  This means that any time we have even the smallest attack thought, or we have even a hint of darkness, this is the time to be willing to do something.

Even if we don’t know exactly what to do behaviorally, if we simply bring our hearts that are willing to forgive the situation and forgive ourselves, this is the way to bring the miracle to the darkness and shift it. 

The miracle is the only way to heal these circumstances that feel dark and agonizing.  The miracle is always available for us to apply in our own minds.

This is why the miracle is miraculous because it allows us to go from feeling overtaxed and burdened, as well as confined energetically to instead simply a state of comfort, tranquility, as well as a delicate balance emotionally in how we experience peace.

Further, we can bring even levity when we remember it too. 

The miracle is the only real way to shift a situation energetically because the miracle is the way we bring the resolution to whatever attack thoughts may have been present in our minds about all situations.  The miracle is the way to make our minds equanimous because we have a tool that always works.  The miracle is God’s Love; and we remember to shift any dark situation with simply a recognition that the Love is the healer of any breach in our minds or projected outwardly.


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