Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 49: “God speaks to me all through the day.”

Yesterday I was writing about staying in conversation with God the whole day long.  What we learn in the Course is that our conversation with God is endless.  Even if we stop thinking thoughts, we are still communing with God.  Lots of us forget about the energetic connection with God.  We can forget that even when we sit wordless and can’t even express what is going on for us emotionally or physically, God is absolutely in connection and in conversation with us.  What we discover in life if we are willing to open our hearts to God- we don’t even need a specific kind of wording.  All we need to do is trust that our energy will be transmitted and God will get it loud and clear, regardless if there is the absence of words.

This is exactly the way God’s energy flows right back to us.  Even if we don’t hear exact words from God, what clearly comes through is the energy of God.  This is a wonderful time to practice our trust in God.  God loves us and shows up for us.  All we need to do is feel God and know that we can trust Him to be the One He is in truth.  We can have faith that He is communicating with us in all the ways we need in order to receive all the information we need from Him to support us from moment to moment.  God shows us how to proceed.  God gives us an inner clarity about what decisions to make because He always available for us.  We just need to trust that God is always taking care of us even if we don’t totally know this in some ways.

We learn in the Course how to


Unfailingly further our faith. 

We learn that we have every reason to deepen our faith because God is the perfect parent we could ever hope for.  We have to sit and understand that God is always the perfect answer.  We can relax and let this be something we integrate and absorb this more deeply.  Our faith also deepens from our simple willingness to show up all the time.  The Course itself is a huge undertaking as Jesus teaches us there because God is asking us to in no way be remiss in our willingness to undo all of the blocks to Love’s presence we have in our or the ego’s own personal repertoire.

What happens is sometimes we get stuck in the process.  When our ego identifies some of this, then sometimes the ego puts up every kind of problem that keeps us otherwise occupied.  We don’t stop and simply sit honestly with what our blocks are presenting in our progression forward in our commitment to remember that we never fell from God’s grace.  What happens is that

We start to lose enthusiasm to get out of the way. 


We lose our initiative to change our story into the happy dream that is the best case scenario of how we can live life.   What we want to do is let this happen when it does but then get up again and then get up again.  We just want to stay committed to changing our minds about ourselves and accept that we are worthy enough to ourselves to simply stay on task in our grand commitment to God to stay in the process of remembering we are already healed.


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