Thursday, August 13, 2015
Lesson 225: “What is forgiveness?” “God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”
One of the great ideas that is current throughout the Course is the importance of everyone loving each other. We often have in the world this ego concept that love is special and therefore reserved only for a certain few. And depending on how we feel about that then we may have just accepted this and not put much energy into learning how to love everyone equally. Also learn how to love everyone with a passion- not just a little bit of loving- but really taking to heart the importance of the quality and quantity we exude to everyone.
Then, we can then live in the experience of love always in and around us. Our lives become about giving and sharing love in every interaction no matter what the topic or reason for which we may be gathering. Still, what we want to do is make sure that love is expressed throughout no matter what. Then the scarcity of a world with little love will be a distant nightmare, as with our-love-extending-at-every-turn practice, we will find the quality of our lives on the planet will be remarkably different.
We often have a history of belittling the importance of what our loving brings to the world, so we have focused on other things and then often left out the loving experience. We often think that love is only suitable for a very limited few- like our kids. Or sometimes people have issues about unreservedly giving love. We may have learned in the world that we should only love God or only love our partners. Sometimes people don’t even consider the thought of loving their friends or others with whom they have more distant relationships.
Lots of times people think loving those people is a waste of time or unnecessary or too much for that kind of relationship. Our egos can come up with all kinds of problems with loving certain people. Or some people think to extend love to the common people we see on the street, but with whom we don’t interact, would be excessive and then a waste of our time. People have all kinds of judgements about giving love to everyone.
What is amazing about love is that it is just a feeling. We don’t have to do anything when we love people if we feel so called. Often when we love people we take time and energy to help them practically or interact with them or do something that requires effort. What we can do instead if this would feel uncomfortable for any reason is to not do anything for people we love. Just start with simply the energy of loving and the act of sharing and extending love. That’s all the Course is talking about.
We don’t have to stress out about the idea that loving more people is going to be taxing. Just sit first in the feeling alone. We don’t have to do anything but just feel this amazing experience of love and recognize our union as a people. Notice how this love between us bonds us but in a way that is totally without effort. All we have to do is know the extraordinary nature of this love of God and be willing to share it.
We don’t have to move a mountain, just sit on the side of it with a quiet mind and recognize that this Love of God’s is how we experience peace. Therefore, while we may include more people in the pool of people we notice we love, this is simply going to be more energizing. When we make ourselves first and foremost a trafficker of love then this love overflows within us because we are consciously engaging with it to bridge any mental gaps between us and all the others with whom share the planet.