Lesson 365: Final Lessons:  “This course is a beginning, not an end.”

This is a perfect day to celebrate beginnings and endings since the calendar year is just ending and then beginning.

We are also at the end of the workbook lesson for the year and then starting over again from the beginning.

It is the perfect time to reflect upon how well we have grown our willingness and asserted God’s Will in our lives.

We can be absolutely thrilled with all the expansiveness we have grown into in the last year in our practicing the Course. 

We are doing less, instead of more.

We have become bigger people because we are taking the steps day by day to get there.  

We are learning to forgive ourselves when we lose our way.

Our expanded minds are always expanding exponentially. 

Just trust that all we have done is exactly what is meant to be for us to end this year and move into the next one.

Remember to pray always when we approach each day.  We are asked to give our minds to God.

We get on our knees every day and pray until we remember we don’t even need words.

We can simply intuit how we feel and allow our energy to pour forth from us in the form of our prayers for God. 

Then, we experience that we are so close to God that there is no separation between us.

Know there is never anything wrong. 

We have the gift of gratitude we can bring with us every day.

We can trust that God gives us the perfect plan. 

We simply need to show up and be open to accepting it for what it is, surrendering that old desire for pain in the form of attacking what we see. 

Give this back to God.  This is not meant to be ours.

Just know we got now every tool we need for the best happy dream in the world. 

We have forgiveness, and kindness, and gentleness, and clarity, and the miracle, which saturates the world with God’s most exquisite love. 

We got the best goods out there.  We just need to accept it as we go.

Our purpose is to simply become more comfortable being comfortable. 

Get used to drinking the good wine because every day is a celebration.  We just let it be God’s perfect vision.


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