Lesson 365: In the Epilogue it says, “He knows how to solve all problems, and resolve all doubts.”
This freedom from doubt is such a huge gift.
We get all of our problems solved when we simply ask God to help.
But on top of that God removes all doubt. I think the ego seems to continually have this inner chatter that is a blur and may seem vague but carries on indefinitely.
Sometimes we hear it in our minds, sometimes we just feel the feeling of doubt.
Doubt totally clouds everything, it casts that shadow across our minds. Doubt feels like this inner gnawing, grating voice that we can’t seem to stop because it just carries over from situation to situation. Our egos keep doubt so visible in the picture of how we feel.
The Course reminds us that God is not only available to solve the big problems. That alone is a huge relief for sure. But that doubt that is all pervasive in our inner sanctuary is startling. It truly hurts because it is dark and feels desperate.
Just appreciate how frequently we feel doubt; it’s that little tiny sliver of attack toward ourselves and others.
We often may not even think it is fully formed, but when we look at it another moment, we can realize that this doubt is always with us when we are remiss in applying our certainty.
When we lose focus on our certainty, doubt rushes in because we allow the darkness to overcome us.
Our certainty is our beacon of light because it is strictly of God’s Love.
We want to allow our certainty to be the power we feel in our minds because it is the way to heal the doubt.
When we allow God’s certainty in, that light changes the nature of the doubt.
It disappears.
The darkness ceases to exist because we opened our minds to our certainty and its light casts out all darkness.
We are asked simply to let God heal any attack energy and then we no longer have to suffer over our feelings of doubt.
When we remember that God is infinitely generous and available 24-7 to remove any blocks to love’s Presence, then we do our part in simply allowing God’s Love to flow through us.
We make a conscious effort and choice to make that happen. When we do our part of remembering to choose God, then God tunes us into the light we need for any amount of healing we need.