Lesson 169: “By grace I live. By grace I am released”
This lesson says, “Grace becomes inevitable instantly in those who have prepared a table where it can be gently laid and willingly received; an altar clean and holy for the gift.”
All we need to do is connect with our willingness to receive God’s gift, and that is all we have to do.
Our willingness is the powerful energy and intention that then gives God the green light.
This lets God just show up and give us all He has spoken of and promised.
We don’t have to do anything if we don’t feel called to prepare in a particular way.
All we have to do is just want God’s love and our salvation in the form of God’s promise of the sustainability of our lovability.
We don’t have to do anything special in this process and that is our other gift from God as well.
Since we don’t have to do anything special, that means we get all of God’s love and favor, just because God declares each and everyone of us as worthy.
The fact that we don’t need to do anything in particular to receive this gift means we can spend our time just resting and receiving and listening to God.
We can be light and happy with no should’s in the situation.
But the Course also reminds us, that we may want to simply honor the gift in the most profound way, because it is given by God- Who is outrageously wonderful.