Lesson 295: “What is the Real World?” “The Holy Spirit looks through me today.”
We don’t have to do anything to be happy because this potential is always within us.
We don’t have to find something that peaks our fancy in the world to accomplish this purpose. The world may have what appear to be alluring trinkets, but the bottom line is that this happiness we think we find from this is fleeting at best. The world’s things are always instant pleasures that fall away almost as quickly as they come.
We just need to appreciate that happiness comes from God’s Love and that is always within us.
All we need to do is witness it and notice it.
We just need to remember we are a vessel through which this Love travels all the time. All we have to do is turn our consciousness to remembering it and our minds will be instantly lit up with this exquisite light of God.
That is the way we get to our peace and happiness, just taking the straightforward step of seeing it is already within us.
We just have to feel it and it is ours.
The Course reminds us that the world as the source of our happiness is never fruitful in a long run because the world is always changing. This is why we don’t want to adjust our focus to make it our center. God’s love is the only powerful thing that could ever bring us joy because God’s Love is a feeling and energy that never changes or vacates our hearts.
The Course teaches us to allow God to be our primary focus. We must get to the place where it becomes automatic that we look to God to fulfill our need for purpose and happiness. We want to keep remembering that God is the only method for us to get to that content, easy, lighthearted feeling of joy. We must focus on God entirely.
Further, we are learning how to be in the world with non-attachment.
The world always has temptations that draw us.
We learn to love the world and whatever appeals to us there but in a way that doesn’t leave us stranded on an island, isolated, with this thing- that disappears eventually as all of the worlds goodies eventually do.
When it goes away then we are stuck with no support on the island because we are forgetting about connecting with God. All we can do is stay where our desired thing has been and feel out of sorts.
We want to love our worldly things with a loose grip.
When we hold gently and lightly to the world’s pleasures, then we can appreciate when we have them and appreciate that we got to love them after they are gone.
This is the way to love the world in a way that brings us peace.
The purpose of the Course is to teach us practically how to love the world in a way that keeps us balanced and in equilibrium.
When we get stuck and don’t know how to do this, give whatever attracts us so intensely back to God’s altar.
Just stay in conscious focus of allowing God into whatever space there is between us and this thing we crave.
This is the way to eventually change our addiction and intense focus on having this thing at hand.