Lesson 294: “What is the Holy Spirit?” “My body is a wholly neutral thing.”
The Course teaches that the body is exactly what we choose to use it for.
Often, we humans have the experience where we use our bodies for work and to interact in relationships.
We always equate meaning about what our bodies are doing or what they aren’t doing.
We judge the body and decide that it is good or bad depending on how we want it to work.
This is always a losing battle.
We often allow the ego our bodies to determine how happy we are with our bodies. Then the ego always has judgements about how long the body should be able to do certain things and we judge the body in terms of how long our lifespan is.
The body gets all kinds of guilt attached to it when the ego is using it for its own purpose.
The body is a battleground of attack and anger and resentment because we give the body the ego’s interpretation of how the body should be in the ego’s ideal scenario.
The body always ends up being the chief combatant in our inner war because the ego associates the body with that which always leaves us in the seat of drama- supplied by our body and the ego. The problem is that we give the body the timeline that the ego thinks the body should be healthy. Then we just get upset and angry because the body is never keeping up with the demands that our egos give our bodies.
Therefore, we will always be unhappy because we are always confronted with our body’s deviation from what we think we want our bodies to do.
The remedy to heal this upsetting perspective is our appreciation for the Course’s interpretation of what our bodies are meant to do.
The Course teaches that our bodies are perfectly capable of carrying out absolutely everything that we are meant to do in whatever life span we have.
This means that there is never anything wrong with God’s plan, exactly what it is for our lives. We are meant to have faith that our body’s path is perfect as it is. We don’t have to get upset about our bodies.
We are asked to see beyond the ego’s little perspective. We can allow God’s plan to be bigger than we imagine.
We just sit and trust that God’s purpose will suit us exactly when we stop resisting being in it.
We must forgive and accept the times we get angry at God’s plan for being something other than it is.
The Course says that the body is useful for our purposes of living life when we are in human form. Therefore, it is perfect as it is. Then when the body’s usefulness ceases, our life ends. This is always the way it works because God never makes an error. Therefore, we just need to let the body be neutral when we are alive.
When we don’t assign an agenda to the life of the body then we can let it be a neutral thing.
This is the method we remember to live in joy and give the body purpose as what God does.