Lesson 143 Laurie’s Reflections

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Lesson 143: Review: “My mind holds only what I think with God.”  “ In quiet I receive God’s Word today.” “All that I give is given to myself.”

The Course teaches us to rework our thinking about what we give.  The Course says that giving and receiving are the same so we are always blessed whether we identify ourselves in any given moment as what appears to be the giver or receiver.  We can love all roles we are in because we are the one who truly benefits in every exchange.  We must understand that our energy is blessed in the giver role and we gain ourselves without any doubt because we feel the energy of abundant love and gratitude when we give.  It goes right through us when we extend it from our hearts.  We are infinitely blessed in the giver role because we receive also God’s blessing as we give.

The world thinks when we give then we will end up with less than we started with in the first place.  We have to understand this is the world’s belief which is founded on lack.  We are told that this is the nature of giving and receiving from the world’s view.  We simply have to acknowledge that God is operating with entirely different values and properties.  God’s world is of infinite abundance and it never gets lessened in any way.

This is why we have to get out of our old belief system that is based on this error.  We have to see that God is so far supreme to anything we have encountered in the world and let God be the decider of how things are.  And then let’s not resist the reshaping of our mind and consciousness to fit God’s picture.  It is a small amount of shifting and effort, but then life is perfect once we adopt the God perspective.

The quiet the Course is teaching us to embody is when we clear our minds from extraneous thoughts.  Our ego likes to chatter, filling up the space in our minds so we have to strain to hear or often we are loud internally we just can’t connect to God.  We want our minds to be open to hear the heartbeat of God.   All we have to do is stay focused on making space in our minds, dispelling any old thoughts that we chew on and regurgitate.  We are asked to do the work of making this space for God through moments of silence.  Be willing to make the statement that we want only God and the way to do that is to release any old mental tapes we used to play over and over.  Give them all to God’s altar.


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