Lesson 16: “I have no neutral thoughts.”

The Course is teaching us how the ego is always misguiding us.

We have this part of us- the ego that is always telling us tall tales.

The ego tells us falsities- and is entirely convincing- and so we respond to these tall tales, because we think they are true. 

Then, everything just succeeds at being insanely confusing.

No one knows the real truth of anything because the ego likes to paint a certain picture, and does so with such persuasiveness that we end up buying into it.

The Course asks us to just get to the point where we realize the untruth of the ego’s stories.

We are asked just to realize that this happens, and then, to eventually stop allowing ourselves to be taken further down the path of the ego’s thinking because we believe it. 

The Course wants us to just inch back from this assumption that the ego is correct. 

We just need to give this a little more space, and allow it to have room to be proved as false. 

As soon as we realize this, then, we can get back to the another way of looking at things.

The ego is always giving us false notions.

We believe them because the ego is always telling us the the actual truth at some times, and then, various shades of the truth at other times. 

The ego never tells us the truth consistently.

This means there is no way to count on what the ego says. 

We need to just appreciate that this is the ego’s insanity, and we are asked to just have no assumptions about the ego, and what the ego says, because as we are shown here, the ego is always misleading us. 

The ego is never trustworthy because this is the inherent nature of the ego.

We just need to appreciate that the ego’s faithlessness happens consistently.  

And therefore, we just need to realize that this is what is happening, and then, act accordingly.

We are in the process of learning how to undo our thinking which does not serve us. 

Part of this process is to realize that our thinking is always one way or another- always unclear.

Our thinking is always in varying degrees of darkness and destruction- with the ego’s energy.  The ego always confuses us at best because the ego is never consistent and the ego is never trustworthy.

This is why we just need to wake up and realize that this happens in truth. 

We need to see it for what it is and not try to pretend that it is otherwise.

The ego never tells us the truth, so it is impossible to get to a point where we can assess our thinking accurately. 

We are always misled about what they are, and the energy they truly have within themselves because the ego always steers us wrong.

We just need to realize this for what it is, and use the information to help us stay strong in our supporting of self, when we are in the process of choosing our thinking and identifying our thinking. 

The ego is always deceptive and will mislead us if we listen.

Another way for us to manage this misleading from the ego is to always ask God and the Holy Spirit for any help and support we need in the process. 

We are guaranteed that God will always be trustworthy because God is God.


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